Title Trial papers relating to Hugh Gore
Name Hugh Gore
Role Accused
Designation son of James Gore, labourer of Soutars Close, West Port, Dundee
Crime Theft by housebreaking, habit and repute, and previous conviction, and housebreaking with intent to steal, and previous conviction
Trial Date 10 October 1848
Trial Location Perth
Verdict Guilty
Verdict Comments Guilty - theft.
Sentence Transportation - 10 years
NRS Reference JC26/1848/98
'High Court of Justiciary Trial Papers', NRS Reference JC26/1848/98; Index, Scottish Indexes (https://www.scottishindexes.com/jcdetail.aspx?jcid=1848098&pid=184809801: accessed 17 Nov 2021); Original Source: National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.